Gleich vier neue Fil­me für die kom­men­den Fan­ta­sy Film­fest Nights 2014 im März wur­den ver­kün­det, hier­für natür­lich alle samt mit Trai­ler um sich schon mal einen einen Vor­ge­schmack des Gezeig­ten zu holen. Nähe­re Infos zu den Fan­ta­sy Film­fest Nights 2014 erfahrt ihr in unse­rem ande­ren Post.




Die Erde in naher Zukunft: Ewi­ges Eis und Schnee bede­cken den einst so grü­nen Pla­ne­ten. Kein Leben rührt sich. Nur ein Zug, der ein­sam durch die ver­las­se­ne Schnee­land­schaft fährt, bie­tet den über­le­ben­den Men­schen noch Schutz vor der töd­li­chen Käl­te. Hier haben sie ihre letz­te Zuflucht gefun­den. Doch die Mas­se der ver­blie­be­nen Mensch­heit fris­tet im hin­te­ren Teil des Zuges ein Leben in ewi­ger Dun­kel­heit, wäh­rend vor­ne die weni­gen rei­chen Pas­sa­gie­re im Luxus schwel­gen. Aber die Zei­chen ste­hen auf Ver­än­de­rung. Eine Revo­lu­ti­on steht kurz bevor …

SNOWPIERCER (beru­hend auf der Gra­phic Novel Schnee­kreu­zer von Jac­ques Lob, Ben­ja­min Leg­rand und Jean-Marc Rochet­te) ist bes­tes Sci­ence-Fic­tion Kino: mit­rei­ßend, klug und visu­ell beeindruckend.

Kult­re­gis­seur Bong Joon-ho (THE HOST) konn­te einen groß­ar­ti­gen inter­na­tio­na­len Cast ver­sam­meln. In den Haupt­rol­len glän­zen Chris Evans (CAPTAIN AMERICA), Til­da Swin­ton (MICHAEL CLAYTON), John Hurt (ALIEN), Ed Har­ris (A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE), Jamie Bell (KING KONG) und Song Kang-ho (THE HOST). —

In Fear



In Jere­my Lovering’s chil­ling debut, a young cou­ple fights to sur­vi­ve one night-tur­ned-night­ma­re. Dri­ving to a music fes­ti­val, Tom and Lucy have plans to stay at a coun­try­si­de hotel. But with hotel signs lea­ding them in cir­cles and dark­ness fal­ling, they soon beco­me lost in a maze of coun­try roads…and the tar­get of an unknown tormentor.

Remi­nis­cent of vin­ta­ge psy­cho­lo­gi­cal thril­lers and bols­te­red by new­co­mers Iain De Caeste­cker and Ali­ce Eng­lert in its main roles, IN FEAR plays out in real time and hin­ges on a claus­tro­pho­bic, unre­len­tingly ten­se visu­al style. Loo­king to shed pre­ten­se and genui­ne­ly sca­re his actors, Love­ring with­held the script and often con­cea­led what was about to hap­pen to the cha­rac­ters. Add a dark forest, and the fear beca­me real.

Though pro­pel­led by vis­ce­ral thrills, the film tran­s­cends gen­re and offers a stu­dy in fear its­elf, crea­ting a cere­bral fable in which fear—of the dark, of the unknown, of ourselves—governs our natu­re, com­pels our choices, and may well seal Tom and Lucy’s fate. —

The Returned



The zom­bies are stal­king again. Howe­ver, on this occa­si­on huma­ni­ty has mana­ged to escape the attack thanks to a pro­te­in that coun­ter­acts the effects and stops some from tur­ning defi­ni­tively into non-dead. With the epi­de­mic under con­trol, ever­yo­ne is living in appa­rent harm­o­ny… until the sup­p­ly of the mira­cle poti­on starts to beco­me scar­ce. Kate, who works at a rese­arch cen­ter, and her boy­fri­end Alex, a retur­ned, try to save them­sel­ves. A new twist on zom­bie movies in a film with a touch of road movie. —

Rigor Mortis



In this eerie and chil­ling, con­tem­po­ra­ry, action/special effects laden homage to the clas­sic Chi­ne­se vam­pi­re movies of the 1980’s, wri­ter-direc­tor-pro­du­cer, Juno Mak makes his fea­ture direc­to­ri­al debut. Co-pro­du­ced by J‑Horror icon Taka­shi Shi­mi­zu, and reu­ni­ting some of the ori­gi­nal cast mem­bers of the clas­sic Mr. Vam­pi­re series, RIGOR MORTIS is set in a cree­py and moo­dy Hong Kong public housing tower who­se occu­pants we soon dis­co­ver, run the gamut from the living to the dead, to the undead, along with ghosts, vam­pi­res and zombies.
Reu­ni­ting some of the ori­gi­nal cast mem­bers of the clas­sic Mr. Vam­pi­re series, RIGOR MORTIS stars action movie vete­ran Chin Siu-ho (Siu-ho) as a for­mer vam­pi­re hun­ting actor who now finds hims­elf rea­ching the end of the line as a washed-up star who is also sepa­ra­ted from his wife and ali­en­ated from his son. Down on his luck and with bare­ly a dol­lar to his name, he checks into room 2442 in the housing estate which is alle­gedly a haun­ted flat. His aim is to end his mise­ry by doing hims­elf in, but ins­tead Siu-ho is inter­rupt­ed by some of the other “occu­pants” of the buil­ding inclu­ding a Tao­ist mas­ter-exor­cist (Antho­ny Chan), a trau­ma­ti­zed house­wi­fe with a tra­gic past (Kara Hui), as well as a see­mingly benign elder­ly woman (Paw Hee-ching) who has an emp­ty coff­in con­spi­cuous­ly han­ging in the midd­le of her apartment.


Soon it beco­mes appa­rent to Siu-ho that the peo­p­le around him, and the situa­ti­on is far from nor­mal. Despi­te his lack of belief in supers­ti­ti­on, Siu-ho is soon thrust into the batt­le of his life as vicious vam­pi­res having a lot of unsett­led busi­ness begin to rise from the dead… —

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